NWS recognizes University of Richmond as a StormReady Supporter
The National Weather Service (NWS) has designated University of Richmond a StormReady Supporter.
The recognition highlights the University's dedication to making campus a safe place for students, faculty, visitors, and other personnel to work and reside. The University was commended for its ability to monitor weather conditions and receive NWS watches and warnings especially through the over 75 NOAA Weather Radios that were placed across campus. More importantly, the redundancy the University has with regard to alerting stduents, faculty, staff and other pesonnel to impending severe weather enahcnes individuals abilities to take appropriate protective actions.
The University's recognition as a StormReady Supporter compliments the actions already taken by the city of Richmond and Henrico county.
StormReady is a nationwide program that uses a grassroots approach to help communities better prepare for severe weather through advanced planning, education and awareness.